Yesterday I spent part of the day trying to get rid of "stuff", not clothes and things like that, but bits and pieces of paper, cards, buttons (don't ask), badges from trades shows, stuff I forgot I bought (like those super strong magnets from Lee Valley...God, I love Lee Valley), all in bags that I move seasonally from one room to another and then throw in one closet or the other too make room when people show up, or the table by the front window (theoretically a dining room table - which is but only used as such at Christmas or other special occasions). All this running through my mind in the pre-dawn. I ended up throwing out - in recycle mind you - at least two or three bigs bags of mostly paper...old brochures, Hort newsletters dating back a few years, ...The stuff that's the hardest to deal with is personal "stuff"- cards, letters, little notes, little doodads people have given me, same as I do them, that I am afraid to part with..they are imbued, for me, with some totemic power, almost animistic...this thing is them and it contains their spirit...
here lies, I think, the conception of what becomes religion...this connecting of things to us, to meaning...
and then...rushing through like thoughts do...who was is that said "the need to have becomes the need not to have"...darn, sure it was B but it was some '20's, '30's French/Russian thinker..was it Evdokimov or ..God what was that guys name...did it start with a B...B B B B ..was it Pilgrim of the Absolute? Who wrote that anyway. I finally got up and googled just that and, low and's Leon Bloy. Did he say "the need to have becomes the need not to have "...which by the way I think is something that comes to you as you get older, and you know time is fleeting, and that what is it that really matters anyway? Freed - at least for the moment - from the shackles or animism (I have to make sure that's what it is) where inaniminate objects possess spiritual power (okay, I still have my 'heart" rocks).. I look it up...again on google. And a strem of referenced quotes show up...Lots of them attributed to B - Catherine Doherty herself - maybe she said it after all and maybe, after all these years, planted in my soul, like one of those slow germinating seeds , it's finally growing in me.
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