Saturday, 17 September 2011

I was going for deep but then Susie made me laugh....

Last night was a marvelous, serendipitous special plans and then a call from John and Sue for dinner and then Ivana and Rob saying they'd join us. So the six of us (incl Prill) made our way to the Brazen Head, the Irish pub in LIberty Village, and had a wonderful evening of pub food (not bad!) and conversation about so many was incredibly warm and just good. To be surrounded by the love and quiet care of one's family is a deep blessing and consolation. Not so many words but just "being there".

This morning another beautiful note from my dear beloved cousin Peter in Australia. Even from so far away, the care and love reaches out. Amazing from Peter who struggles with his own MS every day. And counsels "hope" and sent me some healing scripture that help him every day. And they do and will.

And then marvelous Susie Whelehan who writes like and angel and knows how and when to laugh like one too.  If you are reading this blog, try reading this out loud.  It is so damn funny...could make you pee a little...

Take A Deep Breath
By Susan Whelehan

Healing methods you can choose ~
Wearing magnets in your shoes,
Reiki, Reflexology, Tarot, Iridology,
Cranial Sacral, Shiatsu,
Past Life: Meet the former you,
Naturo-Homeo-Osteopath, Castor oil, Epsom bath,
Meditation, Bible, Zen,
Chant your mantra. Chant again.
Deva, Shaman, Guru, Priest, Fasting or Organic feast,
Tofu, Wheat grass, Dairy-free, Echinacea, Herbal Tea,
Vinegar, Glucosamine,
Anything from the soybean,
Digestion problems? Oh, don’t fuss
Just take some Acidophilus
Anti-oxidants, Vitamin D
Honey and Cinnamon, Omega 3
Probiotics, Cut out salt,
Aromatherapy, Gestalt
Yoga, Aura, Chakra, Rolf,
Psychic Healing, Twelve-Step, Golf,
Findhorn, Lourdes, Ashram, EST,
Ganges, Dead Sea, Vision Quest,
Channelling, Astrology, Candling, Mythology,
Try Psychoanalysis, Be here NOW, Follow your BLISS,
Crystals, Colour-therapy, Count on Numerology,

Acupuncture - Get the point!

Feng-Shui will clean up the joint,
Garlic pills or garlic chewed,
Imaging can change your mood,
Cleanse, Pilates, Primal Scream,
Before you rise record your dream,
Journal writing - Face your fears,
Flower-essence, Rub your ears,
Biofeedback, Aqua-fit, Floating in a darkened pit,
Enneagram – Find your number,
Buckwheat pillow while you slumber,
St.John’s Wort, Mandala, Celtic Runes, Novena,
Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Angel pin,
Ginseng, (Or try just the Gin),
If you know your problem’s chronic – Hydrotherapy (Colonic).
Run. Jog. Walk. Rest.
Laughter has been called “the best”.
And don’t forget your gingko pill,
Or you may forget you’re ill.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Looks like Susie knew exactly what you needed!
