Monday, 26 September 2011

I forgot to mention the terrors of the night

Or the arrow that flies by day.. Like the psalmist says. After coming home to my folks last night, easing myself into my lands end long sleeved calf length(on an amazon - ball gown on me)nightgown, I thought I was in heaven. slept for 90 solid minutes. That hasn't happened again. I have been up every hour to be. Taken stool softeners. Still no sign of a BM. Andofyen startling myself awake because I feel I can't draw a breath. Must be the panic. Plus I am afraid of those nasty steel staples. I took a shot with my iPhone just for the record. No danger of making it my Fb profile pic any time soon.
As soon as the dawn breaks and lathes office opens I will call with Ursuline. It is amazing what little info they send you home with.


  1. Brave and funny Lauretta. If the illness doesn't kill you, the hospital stay (and food) will. Noisiest places in the universe, considering that sick people need rest and nutrition. I spend many horrible sleepless nights on those "bed" chairs they give moms...stagger out of there feeling like the hinges of hell.
    Love your blog...please keep writing it...I read it with a sense of how lucky i am that it isn't MY blog. In the end a good sense of humor and a bit of old fashioned faith may yet be the most valuable assets any of us can ever have. And lots of good friends and family. I am praying to the goddess for you...the one who calls me honey....

  2. Lauretta, I once contemplated writing a blog entry entitled "Did you poo?" The inspiration? An Asian woman who shared a hospital room with Glenna. I think they were the only English words she and her husband knew, but they obviously considered that fiorst BM to be of grave importance. Every time Glenna got out of bed, they asked "you poo?"
